Service Catalog

Categories (8)

Accounts, Access, & Security

Topics: NinerNET accounts, Duo, physical access, IT security, SPAM

Communication & Collaboration

Topics: email, calendar, web conferencing, file storage, phones, websites

Computer, Software, & Printing

Topics: computers and hardware, software, printing

Network & Infrastructure

Topics: network connectivity (wired & wi-fi), server management, databases


Topics: data collection and analysis for research including High Performance Computing services

Teaching & Learning

Topics: Learning Management System (Canvas), classroom technologies

Training & IT Services

Topics: general IT consulting, training, IT Project and Service Management, accessibility

University Systems

Topics: academic, financial, and administrative systems

Services (2)

I need help and can't login

For anyone that either does not have a NinerNET account or can't login

Submit a General Help Ticket

General support ticket creation. Submitting through the specific entry in the Service Catalog may help with quicker resolution.